No One Escapes

Audio Podcast Version

Christians Are Not Exempt

No one escapes this earthly death. No one escapes the pain. Somehow people seem to think that Christians get a bye on the whole earth experience thing. Even some Christians are shocked when they suffer. Christians don’t escape the natural and moral evil of this world. We are not supposed to. Just because we become believers in Christ doesn’t mean all life from here after (down here anyway) will be without pain or heartache. Christians die too, sometimes very horribly.

“But doesn’t God love us? Why would he let such things happen to us if we are his children and we trust in him?” This presumes that we should get preferential treatment from God. He lets us live life with all the heartache, wonder, pleasure, and tragedy. It wouldn’t be life if we didn’t. We all go through this life together in a broken world. Though our spirits have been born again, our bodies still age and die because they are still under the curse of sin, as is all creation.

We Are No Accident

Christians know they are going to die, and when they die, they do spend eternity with God in heaven. So, why does he leave us here? He created us to fulfill a purpose that he had in mind. He had a purpose first and then created us. He didn’t say, “Hmmm. There is going to be this little baby boy named T.J. born, and I wonder what I should have him do?” No. He said, “I have a purpose, and I am going to create this person named T.J. (or fill in your name) to fulfill it.” When my purpose is done, then so am I.

QuoteChristians should take the view that they are the leading character in their own action movie. Just like any good story, the protagonist will face obstacles and challenges as he or she navigates their way through the story. I see my life as an adventure and have many times told people “the hard times are just part of this adventure I call my life.” There are many dangers, toils, and snares, not to mention that villain. You are the leading character, but not the hero, Jesus is, but like any good main character, you will triumph in the end.

The good thing is, you get reviews as you go, by the Holy Spirit who is the protagonist’s mentor. Jesus is the author and finisher of the movie, who also should have a starring role. God is working in the backdrop to weave your story into the series that he has created.

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You, my friend have to decide how good of an actor you want to be. Do you follow the script, realizing that everything is working for your good because you love God and are called according to his purpose? Or do you try to change the script to fulfill how you think it should be directed? That will get you bad reviews for sure.

Remember, no one escapes death, not at least the first death. If you are a Christian, you like everyone else will suffer the first death (unless Jesus comes to get us first). You die once, live twice. But, if you have never accepted Christ as your Savior, then you will die twice and live once.

It’s A Choice

What is your choice? Do you accept the role that God has written for you to receive great acclaim in his name or do you play your own part and suffer the severe consequences? Will your life be a “tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” or will you be famous in your Father’s eyes? Me? I want a standing ovation from Jesus with a “well done, thou good and faithful servant.” He leaves the choice up to all of us. Life is not a dress rehearsal. You don’t get a second chance once the credits roll.

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